Various Sorts and the Fresh Dragon Fruit Developed in Sragen

Pemesanan Bibit dan Buah Naga Segar
Ir. Warjimin

(+62815 655 6233)


(+62815 8435 5631)
Dkh. Dukuhan Prampalan RT.26/06 Krikilan Masaran,
Kab. Sragen

Jawa Tengah - Indonesia


We sold various sorts and the fresh fruit of the seed kind that at this time often were developed in Indonesia. Several kinds among them:

Buah naga daging putih
(Hylocereus undatus),

Buah naga daging super merah
Hylocereus costaricensis)

Buah naga daging merah
(Hylocereus polyrhizus),

buah naga kulit kuning daging putih (Selenicerius megalanthus).
saat ini belum tersedia

We served the ordering all through the territory in Indonesia. Immediately ordered for that was interested!!
